int error_reporting ( [int $level] );
Definition and Usage
The error_reporting() function sets the error_reporting directive at runtime. PHP has many levels of errors, using this function sets that level for the duration (runtime) of your script.
Parameter | Description |
level | Optional. Specifies the error report level for the current script. Value number and constant name are accepted, however, constant names are recommended for compatibility for future PHP versions. The available error level constants are listed below. |
Report levels:
Value | Constant | Description | PHP |
1 | E_ERROR | Fatal run-time errors. Errors that cannot be recovered from. Execution of the script is halted | |
2 | E_WARNING | Non-fatal run-time errors. Execution of the script is not halted | |
4 | E_PARSE | Compile-time parse errors. Parse errors should only be generated by the parser | |
8 | E_NOTICE | Run-time notices. The script found something that might be an error, but could also happen when running a script normally | |
16 | E_CORE_ERROR | Fatal errors at PHP startup. This is like an E_ERROR in the PHP core | 4 |
32 | E_CORE_WARNING | Non-fatal errors at PHP startup. This is like an E_WARNING in the PHP core | 4 |
64 | E_COMPILE_ERROR | Fatal compile-time errors. This is like an E_ERROR generated by the Zend Scripting Engine | 4 |
128 | E_COMPILE_WARNING | Non-fatal compile-time errors. This is like an E_WARNING generated by the Zend Scripting Engine | 4 |
256 | E_USER_ERROR | Fatal user-generated error. This is like an E_ERROR set by the programmer using the PHP function trigger_error() | 4 |
512 | E_USER_WARNING | Non-fatal user-generated warning. This is like an E_WARNING set by the programmer using the PHP function trigger_error() | 4 |
1024 | E_USER_NOTICE | User-generated notice. This is like an E_NOTICE set by the programmer using the PHP function trigger_error() | 4 |
2048 | E_STRICT | Run-time notices. PHP suggest changes to your code to help interoperability and compatibility of the code | 5 |
4096 | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR | Catchable fatal error. This is like an E_ERROR but can be caught by a user defined handle (see also set_error_handler()) | 5 |
8191 | E_ALL | All errors and warnings, except of level E_STRICT | 5 |
Return Value
Returns the old error_reporting level.
Following is the usage of this function:
# Turn off all error reporting
# Report simple running errors
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);
# Reporting E_NOTICE can be good too
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
# Report all errors except E_NOTICE
# This is the default value set in php.ini
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
# Report all PHP errors (bitwise 63 may be used in PHP 3)
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