The PictureBox control is used for displaying images on the form. The Image property of the control allows you to set an image both at design time or at run time.
Let's create a picture box by dragging a PictureBox control from the Toolbox and dropping it on the form.
Properties of the PictureBox Control
The following are some of the commonly used properties of the PictureBox control:
S.N | Property | Description |
1 | AllowDrop | Specifies whether the picture box accepts data that a user drags on it. |
2 | ErrorImage | Gets or specifies an image to be displayed when an error occurs during the image-loading process or if the image load is cancelled. |
3 | Image | Gets or sets the image that is displayed in the control. |
4 | ImageLocation | Gets or sets the path or the URL for the image displayed in the control. |
5 | InitialImage | Gets or sets the image displayed in the control when the main image is loaded |
6 | SizeMode | Determines the size of the image to be displayed in the control. This property takes its value from the PictureBoxSizeMode enumeration, which has values:
7 | TabIndex | Gets or sets the tab index value. |
8 | TabStop | Specifies whether the user will be able to focus on the picture box by using the TAB key. |
9 | Text | Gets or sets the text for the picture box. |
10 | WaitOnLoad | Specifies whether or not an image is loaded synchronously. |
Methods of the PictureBox Control
The following are some of the commonly used methods of the PictureBox control:
S.N | Method Name & Description |
1 | CancelAsync Cancels an asynchronous image load. |
2 | Load Displays an image in the picture box |
3 | LoadAsync Loads image asynchronously. |
4 | ToString Returns the string that represents the current picture box. |
Events of the PictureBox Control
The following are some of the commonly used events of the PictureBox control:
S.N | Event | Description |
1 | CausesValidationChanged | Overrides the Control.CausesValidationChanged property. |
2 | Click | Occurs when the control is clicked. |
3 | Enter | Overrides the Control.Enter property. |
4 | FontChanged | Occurs when the value of the Font property changes. |
5 | ForeColorChanged | Occurs when the value of the ForeColor property changes. |
6 | KeyDown | Occurs when a key is pressed when the control has focus. |
7 | KeyPress | Occurs when a key is pressed when the control has focus. |
8 | KeyUp | Occurs when a key is released when the control has focus. |
9 | Leave | Occurs when input focus leaves the PictureBox. |
10 | LoadCompleted | Occurs when the asynchronous image-load operation is completed, been canceled, or raised an exception. |
11 | LoadProgressChanged | Occurs when the progress of an asynchronous image-loading operation has changed. |
12 | Resize | Occurs when the control is resized. |
13 | RightToLeftChanged | Occurs when the value of the RightToLeft property changes. |
14 | SizeChanged | Occurs when the Size property value changes. |
15 | SizeModeChanged | Occurs when SizeMode changes. |
16 | TabIndexChanged | Occurs when the value of the TabIndex property changes. |
17 | TabStopChanged | Occurs when the value of the TabStop property changes. |
18 | TextChanged | Occurs when the value of the Text property changes. |
In this example, let us put a picture box and a button control on the form. We set the image property of the picture box to logo.png, as we used before. The Click event of the button named Button1, is coded to stretch the image to a specified size:
Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load ' Set the caption bar text of the form. Me.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click PictureBox1.ClientSize = New Size(300, 300) PictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage End Sub End Class
Design View:
When the application is executed, it displays:
Clicking on the button results in:
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